Sunday, January 3, 2010

I'm Lucky to be in Love with My Best Friend

As our three year anniversary is rapidly approaching, I thought it would be fitting for me to reflect on the past three years. If I had to chose one word to describe the past three years in one word, I would have to choose is blessed. You have definitely blessed my life in so many ways, and looking back I wouldn't change a single thing. I've known you for what seems like my entire life. I met you in the middle school, and you were a close friend of my brothers. At that point, we were just acquaintances. As time passed, we started building our own friendship. We started spending a lot of time together because of band. I remember in the stands during football games, I would sit a row behind you and cheering you on during stand tunes. We always hung out on your back porch after many band events. We would spend countless hours recapping the events of the week. It was definitely the highlight of my week. I started developing a crush on you, but I knew that you did not reciprocate those feelings for me, but it was okay. As long as you were happy, I would be happy. I remember you even came to me asking me for girl advice. But slowly and surely, the late night talks over AIM lead to us expressing our feelings for each other. And we then decided that we should start dating. And so we did... Our first date was at the park in the middle of January. I remember it being a cold and cloudy day, but it didn't matter because we had each other which made things enjoyable. And the rest is details in the fabric...

Today, I would like to thank you. You have definitely blessed my life. I really don't know where I would be without you. You have been my rock through the roller coaster I call my life.
Everyday when I have a bad day, I simply look at your picture, a stuffed animal you've given me, or just texts/instant messages you have sent me, and my bad day simply vanishes. I smile and feel better about myself. When I have a problem, I know who I can run to for advice and help. You've given me a shoulder to cry on when I need it the most, and you reassure me that things will be okay. You definitely make my frown turn upside down. You have held my hand through all of the new things in life. You taught me so much about myself; given me a life time worth of memories. You will always be in my heart. These three years have flown right past me. Here's to the future because "I'm lucky to be in love with my best friend".

1 comment:

Laura said...

thanks babe ;) haha but really this is pretty cool. i never hear this kind of stuff from you but i guess you just don't feel the need to make it public. i like that. relationships are cooler when nobody on the ouside really understands. i'm happy for y'all :)