Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Here Comes the Sun

The sun came out today. It seems like it's been YEARS since I've seen the beauty of the sun. The sun coming out definitely made my day 2390802398 times better. Most of my friends enjoy the rain and storms. But frankly, storms actually do scare me, and they put me in a crummy mood.

It's hard to believe that it's almost spring break! I'm almost done being a first semester sophomore. We signed up for housing this past week. I signed up to live with my best friends here, Maggie Savage and Mern Haider. They've seriously helped me get through the difficulties of this thing called college.

My grades are NO where I want them to be. But spring is finally coming! The sun will put me a better mood, and I will start study outside every possible moment I get. That's is something that I am looking forward...

It's time for me to head over the hall council... This post is NOT over. For all I know, I am thinking about revamping it after the meeting and a possible work out.


Laura said...

I really like your color scheme.

Oh, and t minus 9 days :)

Sandi said...

you have NO idea how excited i am :D