Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I know I am A Failure...

At this whole blogging business, but I've actually kept up with a blog. It's not on here, but it's on tumblr, but maybe I will keep up with both... who knows

Life is going... It's not going particularly well, but it's not exactly terrible. I completed my first year of college. I learned a whole bunch. Some in the classroom and some outside of the classroom. I met people who are just acquaintances; who will be my lifelong friends; and some in between category, and I need to be doing some more observing before I make a decision on where they go.

I decided that I am no longer pre-med, but instead I am going to be a chemistry and math double major. Don't believe me? Watch me...

That's my little rambling for the night...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Are we there yet?

I said I would finish the blog from yesterday... But I decided to change my mind.

It was definitely a glorious day, at least weather wise. I wish I could have enjoyed it more and did some studying outside or something. Instead though, I had a class and a lab. Both of which can not take place outside. These are the times when I wish I wasn't a science major. I do enjoy being a science major for the most part. The feeling I get while I am in lab is indescribable. Minus lab from last week since I literally broke everything I touched, being in lab just makes me happy. I'm like a kid in a candy store. It does help with the fact that I did do really well on the first three labs of the semester in Chemistry. It's little things like that reassure me that I have chosen the right thing to do with life.

On another note, I can't wait for spring break. I can't wait to hang out with my best friend, Laura! But before I get there, I must survive 4 more tests [Musical Theatre Tomorrow, Biology Practical Monday,Discrete Math and Chemistry Wednesday]. I can do this!

It's time for the blog to end... And let the studying begin!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Here Comes the Sun

The sun came out today. It seems like it's been YEARS since I've seen the beauty of the sun. The sun coming out definitely made my day 2390802398 times better. Most of my friends enjoy the rain and storms. But frankly, storms actually do scare me, and they put me in a crummy mood.

It's hard to believe that it's almost spring break! I'm almost done being a first semester sophomore. We signed up for housing this past week. I signed up to live with my best friends here, Maggie Savage and Mern Haider. They've seriously helped me get through the difficulties of this thing called college.

My grades are NO where I want them to be. But spring is finally coming! The sun will put me a better mood, and I will start study outside every possible moment I get. That's is something that I am looking forward...

It's time for me to head over the hall council... This post is NOT over. For all I know, I am thinking about revamping it after the meeting and a possible work out.

Monday, March 1, 2010


It's March. Only TWO whole weeks until Spring Break. I have to take 5 tests in two weeks. I have to work 24 hours in two weeks. I have to dedicate 92348930284 hours to studying in two weeks. And I still have these feelings of anger, emptiness, and anger.

I don't know. The only thing I want to do is cry.

Where is the sun? I haven't seen you in DAYS. The weather seems like it's a reflection of my my moods. Coincidence? I have no idea.

Another pointless post.

Monday, February 22, 2010


I just feel angry, and I'm angry basically all of the time. I can't even fathom the idea why. I am just angry..

Lately, the only thing I have been watching is the Winter Olympic Games. I wake up to it and I go to bed watching it.

In other news, I didn't do so well on the past two tests. ugh.

Probably the most pointless post ever.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

It's a Charmed Life

From reading blogs, I've come to the conclusion that I will never get as deep as any of the blogs that I read. But I think that's from my perspective on life. I never really did live a hard life. To be completely honest, I believe that I have a charmed life. I've always been a little spoiled throughout my life, yet I still worked extremely hard to get where I am today.

Anyway, I finally made up with you. And it feels great. I'm sorry for acting the way that I did, but I didn't know what to do or how to feel. I thought about it though, A LOT.

I feel better. I feel more like myself.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

If we'll find better days

How am I supposed to feel? I just feel so weird-ed out. I may have to deal with the amount of stress I have, but I don't know.

I sleep whenever I get the chance, granted it's only like 6 or 7 hours a night. I still feel exhausted. Even when I slept for almost a day, I was still tired. I don't know if it has to deal with the stress level that I face on daily basis-- school, homework, work, family, and just life itself. But everyone my age has to deal with this, but what makes mine so different. I know I should not be complaining about this in a blog. But when it comes to it, I don't know what I'm saying, so this just an outlet for my random ramblings.

Even though the news of you occurred all at once, and you have apologized for it. I don't know if I can really deal with it. I have this feeling that says 'it's going to be worth it. just stick with it sandi'. and I know that I need to stick to my gut feelings, but something tells me that they are wrong.

You were the person that I ran to for advice, and now I don't know if I can. So I can't really run to anyone. I don't know what to do anymore. I just wish time would freeze give me time to work things out. Because I wonder "if we'll find better days"